Monday, May 12, 2014

Creating Stereoscopic 3D Images

Definitely a cool project! I didn't know that it would be so easy to make a picture 3-D! 
The first three pictures were created for green/magenta glasses. 

Here's a photo of myself after a long day of class. 

Near the CVB, I feel that this one has the most depth! 

Another one of the CVB, but tried working with an up-shot. 

 I also tried doing red/cyan with this picture, but it didn't come out as well as the others. 

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Extra Credit #3

About a couple weeks ago, I attended the San Francisco Film Festival for the Family films portion. I really wanted to watch The Dam Keeper which was created by Robert Kondo and Dice Tsutsumi because I've heard so many great things about it. The Dam Keeper was amazing and beautifully painted but I think the film that I liked the most in the festival was a live action short called Sprout. It was about a little girl going to the market by herself to buy bean spouts for her mom. It was something that I could relate to and it was so beautiful to see how magical a normal neighborhood could be. Anyways, It was definitely a great experience and I was even able to meet Dice and Robert ,and get their autograph! 

I was even able to get a picture of the Dam Keeper maquettes! 

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Recreating Cameras and Lights in Maya

Original image: 

 Maya copy: 

Second image:
Original image: 

 Maya copy: 

Friday, April 25, 2014

Extra Credit: Lighting a Scene in Maya

Here is my scene without any lighting

Key light 

Key light, and Fill light

Key light, fill light, and rim light 

it's interesting to see how adding a couple lights in a scene can make the objects feel even more dimensional. 

Building a Scene in Maya

" DD" 

Monday, April 21, 2014

Special Effects in Animation and Live-action

Diem Doan
April 20th, 2014
Physics of Animation

The use of Lightning effects in Movie

Using visual effects is a common tool used within the film industry to enhance the storytelling and magic of a film; however, applying visual effects without the correct knowledge of physics can distract the audience and pull them out of film. One example is lightning which is a common effect used to show something magical or something ominous ,and it can often be hit or miss if effects are done incorrectly.  Two films that I will be comparing for this lightning effect will be Paranorman(2012)  and X-men: the Last Stand( 2006).   Paranorman and X-men: The Last Stand ’s lightning were created using modern computer technology ,but  there are still some noticeable flaws within those scenes.

Movies with humans that have super powers need visual effects to create a believable story. It wouldn't look right or awesome if movie makers had actors in front of a green screen. One movie that  is a good example of using Visual effects to enhance the storytelling is X-men:The Last Stand. X-men: The Last Stand is an live action  movie directed by Brett Ratner and tells the continuation of mutants living in world unwanted by humans. This time they not only have to fight humans but also other mutants who want to turn everyone else into a mutants.  In X-men: The Last Stand, there is a battle scene between two mutants: Storm who  is a mutant who has the ability to control all types of weather and Callisto who has enhanced human abilities. The scene starts with Callisto attacking storm and the two fight it out ,but Storm gains the upper hand and throws Callisto into a metal fence. This intense scene ends with Storm killing Callisto with her lightning.

For the Youtube clip:
(please go to 1:00 for scene) 

The effects in this movie was created by Genarts who used a program called Sapphire plug- ins which is a program that creates organic and credible lighting bolts. The artist has the ability to insert any type of lightning they want, manipulate how it moves  and even apply it in a 3-D space. For this particular scene, the artist applied the lighting using Sapphire’s Zap onto the shot. Second, the artist applied a glow spark and added some len flares to volumized the lighting properties. Finally, the artist combined all the effects together and layered it onto the shot. Although the effect sounds very easy to create and the scene looks well done. There were some problems that were noticeable as I was evaluating the shot. Some things that I noticed are the bad lighting, flatness, and invalid movement of Storm’s lightning. If look upon closely, the lighting is wrong and the strongest source of lighting appears to be coming from behind the building. Lightning is a huge blast of light and should be the strongest source of light in that scene but if you stop the clip at 1:09, you can see that the foreground isn't even lit.  Although the artist was able to use realistic lightning to apply to the film, it still feels really flat as if the lightning is just applied top like a sticker. It doesn't feel like it moving through space. In addition, the lightning doesn't feel correct when Storm hits Callisto with her lightning. Lightning moves through the body through the shortest routes but in that particular shot, the lightning is just placed on top of her and doesn’t look like it’s surging through her body. Disregarding the flaws of the effect of that scene, I do feel that the lightning was successful it terms of storytelling and getting the point across.
The lightning looks flat and doesn't feel like it's moving through space

Lighting is off! Strongest source should be coming from right not behind the buildings

An example of how Sapphire works. 

The movie Paranorman is an 3D stop- motion animated Horror created by Laika Studios. It revolves a boy name Norman who has to save his town from man-eating zombies while also learning the lesson that it’s okay to be himself. In one of the scene, Norman encounters Aggie, who is the cause of the curse on his town, and has to convince her to stop the destruction. Aggie is shown as a yellow flying ball of erratic energy and has the ability to blast lighting out. Looking closely at the lighting there are some qualities that stand out such as the soft and fading blast of lightning coming from Aggie which makes her feel almost ghost-like.  Interestingly, this effects was created using several methods and by several departments at Laika studios.

Here is a scene of Angry Aggie:

The process begins with traditional and handmade effects. One artist created 2-D ink splatters and another artist microwaved CD to copy the organic shattering then layered it with the animated effects. Secondly,  they created a stop motion armature/puppet that had a glowing head to have a luminescence. Afterwards, They applied visual effects of animated lightning bolts to put everything together. This animated effect  was quite successful for this type of film. I felt that it added texture and enhanced the look of the scene and gave great story to the character of Aggie. This effects although animated quite well has some flaws with the believability of the lightning. Some flaws that are visible are the color and movement of the lightning. The color is too neon yellow whereas real lightning is bright white. There is also not enough erratic movement in the lightning and feels too slow at certain parts. It’s almost as if the movement feels like ink splatters instead of quick unpredictable movements. If the animators  made the movements a bit quicker ,then the feeling of lightning would be brought out  more.

Artist using traditional medium to create the feel of Angry Aggie

A puppet with a glowing head and clothes was created to ground everything

Then lightning effects was layered on last

Overall, both the lightning effects of each movie did their best to create a believable type of lightning but there are still some noticeable flaws.The effect in Paranorman was created using a hybrid of traditional and computer effects which created an interesting look, but the lightning was not the right color and some movements were off . The film X-men 3 created the lighting using the computer program sapphire to layer on top the moving lightning which created some realistic lightning ,but there was some incorrect placing, movement, and lighting. Despite the flaws, both movies created lightning to tell the story and still get the idea across which in my book is better than having an effect that looks good but does nothing to tell or push the story.

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Outline of the Third Term Paper

Special Effects in Animation and Live-action

I: Introduction
A. For this paper, I will be comparing the visual effects of Lighting from two different movies, Paranorman and Xmen 3
I. Thesis: both movies, had their own way of making this lighting as realistic as possible but both movie effects contain flaws.

II: Paranorman

A. Describe movie
I. Paranorman( 2012)- 3D stop-motion animated comedy horror abour a misunderstood boy who has to save his town from zombies
B.. Describe scene:
IThe scene of Aggi and when Norman faces her. She is this ball of electric energy

C. Techniques used to create the special effect
I.Could have easily done digital but wanted to have that stop motion feel
II.Lighting was created handmade and all departments worked on it
III. hybrid process: Computer animation, stop motion and hand drawn
i. 2D ink paintings scanned and laser cut into plastic to create lighting, Also used microwaved CD’s
ii.Stop motion- used armatures and lit head to give glow
III.CG- Hand animated lighting bolts to add more effect
D. Successful?
. I.Unsuccessful
i.color is yellow, lighting is bright white
ii. there’s too much texture
iii.speed is slower and not as erratic
a.movement lingers and is like ink splatter
. II. Successful
i. successful for this type of stop motion film, adds to texture/ look of film, as well as give story to the character.

III: X-men: The Last Stand 
A. Describe movie and scene : X-men: the last stand  (2006)  
I.Directed by Brett Ratner 
II. About a group of mutant superheroes who must fight against other mutants
B. Scene
I.This particular scene was when Storm meets her match, Callisto and kills her with blast of lightning

C. Techniques used to create the special effect of storm’s lightning :
- i.Effects created by GenArts
ii.Used Sapphire Plug-ins, which is a program to create organic, credible lighting bolts, The program allows the artist to move or add effects to create a believable looking lighitng effect
iii. Used 3 effects and layered them onto the movie shots- Sapphire’s Zap, Glow spark, and Len flares
D. Sucessful?
I. Unsuccessful -
i.When lightning hits Callisto, doesn’t feel that electricity is surging through her
ii.Lighting feels flat and 2-D (no sense of direction- where is it coming from?)
iii.ground/ storm doesn’t feel lit
II.. Successful
i.Color and lighting movement feels realistic
ii.pacing of lighting feels believable
iii.gets point across
IV: Conclusion:
I.Summarize points

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Character Animation

Creating MoonStruck 

          For this Stop motion character animation, I wanted to animate something simple but fun ,so I pitched the story of a balloon  that chases after another balloon all the way to space to my teammates: Rachel and Byron. I created the storyboard to have a sense of what the balloons should do and then together we changed certain scenes till we had what we wanted. We made the props out of different types of paper and used some other materials such as cotton balls and strings. We then went to the pencil test lab to use the down shooter since it was easier than using our camera. We then split into different positions: I was to animate the green balloon, Rachel was the red balloon, and Byron was the clicker.  We animated on 2's and After several takes of each shot, we send the footage to Byron to edit, narrate, and to add special effects such as the rain and flashes of lighting. Our greatest challenge was pacing and animating too fast, so we always had to go back and reanimate with more frames. Overall, it was a fun experience and I learned a lot about animating straight ahead and the importance of planning. 

Here was a simple storyboard of out short film. 

break down of what we all did: 
all of us
Rachel and I 

Friday, March 21, 2014

Extra Credit #2

Last weekend, I went to the Walt Disney Museum to see the Mary Blair exhibit after attending a panel called women in animation at ILM. It was very enlightening to see all of Mary Blair's art work and to see the whimsical style that she had. I can see how she influenced the artist of today and I do hope to draw some of her inspiration into my artwork.

Science Fact or Cinematic Fiction?

The misuse of action/reaction in cinema 
Films are a medium used to escape to a differently reality. They're there to tell stories and to tell stories of the impossible. As an audience, we are there to be entertain and get lost within the story , but Sometimes these films are so amazing that we tend to ignore the physics of the movie. Ignoring these laws of physics can either add or hinder to the storytelling of the movie and it's up the film makers to make such as decision. One of the laws of physics that will be discussed is the law of action/ reaction. According to Newton's third law, every action has an equal and opposite reaction. Which means if I were to push someone with a certain amount of force, then I would also move back that amount as well. The three films that will be analyzed for the breaking of this law are Sucker Punch, Kung Fu, Panda, and The Justice League: The flashpoint Paradox.

Sucker Punch is a live-action movie directed by Zach Synder and was created with a lot of heavy CG effects. The movie revolves around a girl named Babydoll who is send to a mental institution by her step-father. Babydoll plans to escape with several other girls and the movie goes through many alternate worlds as she goes through the stages of her escape. One particular scene that incorrectly portrays Newton's third law is the samurai scene. She is faced with three enormous metal samurais and is told by her mentor to use her abilities to defeat these creatures. Babydoll fights the samurai with the Naginata and uses her sword to stop the attack. In the process, she is able to deflect the attack, break the samurai sword ,and jumps down from the blast unaffected. This would not be able to happen because the samurai's sword would have a greater force than Babydoll's force and thus, Babydoll would not be able to break the samurai sword. With correct physics, Babydoll would not even be able to survive the attack of the samurai's because the samurai is about 2-3 times larger than her. There is more force and weight to the creature's attack and this means that the force of the action would have cause her to accelerate to the ground so fast that Babydoll would get pummeled into the floor. If Babydoll were to jump faster and with more force then it would be physically possible to deflect the attack, but she would still be the one to accelerate more faster to the ground due to their weight differences. Although the movie's physics were incorrect, it was done in that manner to create a dramatic effect. This was a crucial scene in the movie in which Babydoll, the heroine, needed to show to the audience that she is becoming stronger. Also, the incorrect physics helped sells to the audience that this is not reality but a different alternate world.

Look at 1:48-1:55  to see the chosen scene 

As talked in the essay, The samurai is 2-3 times bigger than Baby doll and is able to inflict more force due to his size. 

In the 2008 computer animated feature of Kung fu Panda, Newton's third law is also often ignored. This animation follows a big and clumsy Panda who joins the Furious Five of kung fu masters and has to realize his true fighting potential. During the escape scene of the antagonist, Tai Long, there is a moment where he kicks three spears in the air effortlessly that the spears are able to penetrate through a rock wall. A problem with this sequence is that Tai Lung does not look strong to kick all three spears in the air because the three spears are heavier than him. Another problem with this sequence is the missing recoil from the kicking of the spears. If Tai Lung's kick is powerful enough to send spears into rocks then there should be a equal force of reaction. Due to this missing recoil, it almost looks as if he is being held by wires as he is kicking them in the air. Applying it to Newton's Third law, Tai Lung would have fallen to the ground with the impact of the first spear. These spears look heavier than him and just from the first impact of the fist spear would have him descending down into the ground. In addition, the pull of gravity would have sent him down as well. In order for this action to really happen then Tai long would have needed to increase his speed and force in order to send the spears through the rocks. A main reason that this part of the scene's physics was ignore was to add dramatic effect. The film makers wanted the dramatic character of Tai Lung to have mass ,and to feel like an intimidating and invincible character who can do these law defying kicks. This is also a Kung Fu animation so the laws of physics are ignored to add that comedic effect and animated feeling.
For to the chosen scene, please go to 1:08- 1:15 

As discussed in the essay, the spears are heavy and have metal on the top so it wouldn't be possible for Tai Lung to kick the spears without any recoil. 

Another common mistake in films occurs in the Justice League: The Flashpoint Paradox. This animation film is an adaption of the 2011 comic book book called the “Flashpoint”. It starts off with the Flash creating a ripple that alters the universe which causes the flash and a group of superheroes to work together in order to fix it. The certain scene that incorrectly uses Newton's third law is when Cyborg uses his gun to fire against Aquaman during the fight scene near the end of the movie . In this scene, Cyborg would charge his cannon and send Aquaman flying a couple feet away, but there is no recoil from the cannon that he shot from. If a laser cannon has enough force to knock a man off his feet then Cyborg shouldn't be able to stand still like that. There should be some type of reaction pushing Cyborg back whenever he uses his cannon like when a firefighter is blasting a hose of water. There is also a problem with the recoil of the guns in this movie. This also occurred in scenes when the Grifter used his gun during his death scene. There isn't much of a recoil from the gun and if correct physics was applied ,then there would be more of a recoil. Upon further examination, I came to the conclusion that the reason why there was no recoil on cyborg's cannon is because the creators wanted to make Cyborg feel intimidating and the strong type of character who can withstand recoil. Another reason is to keep the pacing of the movie fast so that the audience will not get distracted from the realistic shooting. The shooting is not a vital part of the scene and I feel that it was a good choice on the directors part to ignore the recoil.

For the chosen scene, please go to 0:38-0:40

Here is a screen shot of Cyborg shooting his Cannon with no recoil. 

Here is a scene of the Grifter's death and how the recoil of the gun is barely there. 

Overall, there are many movies that ignore Newton's Third law of action/ reaction. Sometimes it can be a mistake or something it can be deliberate like the three movies mentioned. In the Sucker Punch scene, Babydoll is able to reflect the giant Samurai Nagingata because the movie needed to show that she was getting stronger and to sell the world that she was in. Kung Fu Panda's needed to sell Tai Lung's strength and abilities by having him be strong enough to kick spears into the rocks. Finally, The Flashpoint paradox, ignored the recoil of guns in order to not distract the audience ,but to also show the strength of the characters. This goes to show that ignoring the laws of physics can help not only the characters but also make a film that much better.

*Note to Professor,
the only thing that I deviated from the outline was that I changed the character of Batman to the Grifter.   

Friday, March 14, 2014

Outline for the Second Term Paper

The misuse of action/reaction in cinema

I: Introduction
A. Introduction
B. Describe Newton's law (Every law is an equal and opposite reaction)
C. Introduce 3 examples of films
    1. Sucker Punch
    2. Kung Fu Panda
    3. Justin League: The Flashpoint Paradox
D: Thesis: These 3 movies violate Newton's 3rd law.

II: The Physics of Sucker Punch
A. Introduction of film (who directed, synopsis, and type of movie)
B. Describe scene that violates law: ( )
i:Babydoll fights against a gigantic samurai but is able to defect/break the samurai sword
ii:The action from the samurai's sword would be greater than Baby doll’s reaction and would not be able to break from impact of baby doll's sword.
C. Example of what really would happen with correct Physics
i: Baby doll would be crushed from the great impact/ force of samurai
ii: If she couldn't die then she would smash into the ground because of the massive recoil from the samurai sword.
iii: In order for that to really happen, Baby doll would need to be jumping faster than we can visually pick up on screen
D. Reason why Newton's law was broken: For dramatic effect:
      i: Baby doll is the heroine and needs to show audience that she is becoming stronger.
      ii: Helps sell the world. It is a dream like state, certain physics can be broken.
III: The Physics of Kung fu Panda
A. Introduction of film (who directed, synopsis, and type of movie)
B. Describe scene that violates law: (
i:Tai Lung hits 3 of the metal bamboo spears in order to escape
Ii: Tai Lung does not appear strong enough to release that much impact (to pierce the rocks with the spear)
C. Example of what really would happen with correct Physics
i: Tai Lung would have fallen to the ground from the from the impact of the first spear
iiL Tai Lung would have not stayed in mid air but would have descended from the pull of gravity and from the spears.
ii: Tai Lung needs to hit the spears with more speed and force in order to really happen
D. Reason why Newton's law was broken: For dramatic effect:
      I: Helps show that Tai Lung is a strong character and has mass
      ii: adds dramatic effect
IV: The Physics of Justice League: The Flashpoint Paradox
A. Introduction of film (who directed, synopsis, and type of movie)
B. Describe scene that violates law ( ) 
i: During the large fight scene at the end, Batman uses his gun and Cyborg uses a giant gun blaster.
Ii: There is no equal reaction from the bullets/blast to make the gun rebound backwards
C. Example of what really would happen with correct Physics
i: The gun that batman uses should have more recoil 
ii: Cyborg would have a larger recoil because the blast of his gun is huge
D.Reason why Newton's law was broken: To make less of an distraction and keep flow of movie
      i: Cartoon can exaggerate strength of characters to help make them seem inhuman
      ii: To keep pace of movie quick because audience can get lost if shooting is too realistic  
V: Conclusion
A. summary of points

B. Restate Thesis

Monday, March 10, 2014

Extra Credit: Cinequest

I went to the Cinequest Film Festival for the for time this week and I decided to experience it this year with a couple of friends.  I went to the animation one and I was really happy that I went because there was a couple of great animations that inspired me. My favorite two was "The missing scarf" and "Mr.Hublot". I will definitely go again next year and I can't wait to see more films. 

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Reverse Video Reference

This was a very interesting homework assignment in which we had to act out the animation. I found it very interesting to see how certain elements or actions that were pushed or exaggerated. The one that I had the most difficult in copying was Clip C which was the Cab Calloway dance. I, for the life of me, could not mimic that dance move but I did my best to copy the movements. 

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Stop Motion Animation of Falling

For this stop motion assignment, I wanted to do something simple using basic food items ,so what better than to use cheerios! I first boarded out what I wanted and then roughly estimated how high I wanted the bounce of the cheerios to be as well as the path of action. I placed all my cheerios on a wooden board and arranged them into the desired shape I sketched out and came up with this.

I had to place my camera on several boxes and then tape it down with artist tape to have it tilt down.  I slowly moved the one cheerio piece little by little until it reached the mouth of the dinosaur. I took all the images and arranged them in Quicktime.  The main challenge that I ran into was keeping the camera steady and I restarted several times due to the camera moving. Despite the complications, I'm glad I was able to do this as an assignment and see how stop motion works.  I really give props to those who do stop motion for a living because to be able to animate like this is definitely an amazing skill. 

Monday, February 24, 2014

The Laws of Physics in an Animation Universe

The Laws of Physics in an Animated Universe- The Incredible
In the world of animations, there are always stories that need to break the rules of believably or reality in order to push the story telling. One example of this is The Incredible which  is a full-length 3-D animated movie that was released in 2004.The movies follows a family of superheroes and their hardship of trying to become a normal family after superheroes are banned from saving the world. Pixar, who created the film wanted to create a more enjoyable story that could showcase these hero's powers and create a magical world by defying the laws of physics. The first element that was used in the movie was squash and stretch. Another Rule that was used was the laws of inertia which is this case was ignore to push certain elements of storytelling.  The final one is ignoring the law of gravity which in this case helped pushed certain attributes of our characters.  
          The first example that will be examined will be the use squash and stretch. This effect will be most often broken by elastic girl who is essentially almost a giant rubber band herself.  In one of the scenes of the movie there is a fight that ensues when Dash and Violet start fighting and the mother of the family has to push them apart ; however, they both are too powerful for her to hold that she stretches around the table. This scene helps add a comedic effect and also shows her ability as a superhero. 

 Another moment is when the plane is hit by missiles and Elastic girl  is able to expand to create a parachute to float her family down into the ocean. There is then another moment in the movie where Dash races to the door and there is a moment where he stretches from the door and back to his table. In real life this would not be able to happen ,but this was used to indicate how fast Dash is. Also, there is another intent scene that shows some good squash and stretch. It is when Mr. Incredible grabs his boss by his hand. The bosses head is stretched upwards and when he is thrown into the wall he squashes and stretches to show the impact of the throw. In real life, this would not be possible but the squash and stretch was used in this scene to show Mr. Incredible strength and made it feel more comedic.

The second concept that will be discussed is breaking the law of inertia which is the resistance of any physical  objects to any change in it’s of motion. For example, if a person were to jump from a moving car then that person would still be moving because the force of the car is pushing that person forward.In the world of the Incredible, the regular humans are the ones who can only experience it the rule of Inertia. There is an incident in the movie where Mr. Incredible stops a moving bart and the people inside the brat are hauled forward by the bart's motion. This shows that the superheroes are not affected by this law of inertia. In the Incredible, there are times when this rule is ignored to help with storytelling.

 for instance, When Dash runs through the water while being chased by the villains. He runs back and forth, but if  he was going fast enough to walk on water then there would be a force to push him forward or back but there is no force. This is ignored because Pixar wants the audience to see how fast Dash is going and to increase the pacing of the movie. Another incident of this is when Dash swings on a vine and when he land, he stopped immediately. If this was in real life then the law of inertia would hold true and swing him forward. The reason the movie ignores this is to keep the movie pace moving forward and keep the audience glued to the scene. there is also another case in which Mr.incredible is in a car and immediately stops to help an older woman. It is strange that the car has fire blasters to show that the car is going at a fast speed but is able to stop immediately after he steps on the breaks.  Despite, the evidence of  where the law of inertia doesn't affect the superheroes, there are cases in which the law of inertia does affect them to give more of an effect.  One scene in the movie is when Violet Dash are in the plane and the motion of the plane lifts them up to the roof of the plane after a quick descend. This helps add of the suspense of the movie and shows that this family is in danger.
One example of a scene where the laws of gravity is broken is whenever Mr.Incredible lifts objects heavier than him without any effort. For instance, when he lifts a huge tree in order to save a cat or when he lifts a person onto his shoulder like a rag doll. This shows that he as a superhero defies the laws of gravity. Objects that are heavier than him should easily crush him but he is able to lift them so it means that no gravity is affecting him.
 This was not the only case for Mr. Incredible, Freezo was also able to ignore the laws of gravity because he was able to lift 3-4 guys without slowing down. Another case is when violet puts a force field around herself and is able to float within her bubble. This means that inside her bubble, gravity does not affect her.Then is also the case of when the main villain creates a weapon called the zero point energy which has the ability to lift objects into the air without any effort. 
 On the other hand, there are times when gravity does affect the superheroes. one example is when Dash runs through the water and he stops and instead of floating he falls into the water.
               On a whole, The laws of physics are constantly broken in The Incredible. The movies uses Squash and Stretch to shows more of a comedic effect and an emphasis of speed or ability. Second is the breaking of the law of inertia to show the super speed of Dash or to  the keep the pacing of the movie. Last is ignoring the laws of gravity which is to show the abilities of the superheroes and to show that they are on a different level than the regular humans in the movie, but there are also cases in which gravity does affect them. The reason for the breaking of the law of physics is due to several reason but it is mostly because of story. It’s to push the story telling into a more exciting movie so that it can be more enjoyable to the audience. If these laws of physics weren't broken then these superheroes would not feel super and the movie would not be as interesting.