Sunday, February 16, 2014

Outline of the First Term Paper

I wanted to choose a movie that is one of my favorite animated movies of all times and it's really interesting to see how a movie can still ignore the law of physics to make a movie interesting. 
The incredible (2004)
Thesis: The Incredibles takes place on earth, but there are several times when the laws of physics are broken in order to push the storytelling of the movie.
II: Body
A. Squash and Stretch
a. Elastic has the ability to squash and stretch physically. In this world she is able to stretch as far as her body allows her. For example ,When Elastic girl has to stretch to pull her kids apart but then is stretch around the table or when she creates herself into a parachute. 
b. When Dash Stretches after getting the door to indicate speed.
c. When Mr. Incredible lifts his boss in the air around the neck. The boss's head stretches abnormally and when he is thrown out into the lockers, he squashes a bit and then stretches down.
B.Law of Inertia is ignored
a.Dash runs through the water and does this back and forth motion ,but there is no unbalanced force that pushes him forward or backwards.
b.When Dash swings on the vines , he is able to stop immediately once he touches the ground even though he is swinging really fast.
c.When Mr. incredible is able to stop his car immediately after pressing his car's blasters (However, the law of inertia affects them when they're in the RV van).
d. Interesting though, The law of inertia applies only to the regular people of the world which is why they swing forward when the train is stopped by Mr. Incredible. This shows that superheroes have the ability to break the laws of physics.
e.However, there are times when it does apply to the superheroes. For example, when violet applies the force field to Dash when he's running around the table. He is then pushed back back the force field. There also another time when the kids are in the plane and the force of gravity lifts them up the the roof of the plane after a quick descend.
C. Gravity 
a. When Mr. Incredible is able to lift heavier objects then him like a tree, boulders, train cars, and cars (this would mean that no gravity is affecting him)
b. When Mr. Incredible and Freezo are able to lift 3-4 guys without slowing down.
c. When Mr. Incredible throws a person over his shoulder like a rag doll
d. When violet is able to float in her force field. 
e. The zero point energy weapon which is able to lift objects easily without any gravity
f. Although Mr. Incredible has the ability to defy gravity there are times when Gravity does affect the him and other super heroes. For example, when Mr. Incredible jumps down from the palm trees or when Dash falls into the water after he stops running. 
a. The laws of physics are broken throughout the film
b. The breaking of physics creates a more interesting film and showcases the superheroes powers.  

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